Planning and Priorities

Our Mission

Health, Housing, and Human Services of Clackamas County promotes and assists individuals, families and communities to be safe, to be healthy, and to thrive.

Our Goals

  • To provide sustainable and affordable housing
  • To assist individuals and families in need to be healthy and safe
  • To increase self-sufficiency
  • To increase community safety and health
  • To continually improve the efficiency and effectiveness of services

H3S Departmental Strategic Initiatives

The following seven strategic initiatives have been identified as key priorities.

Strong Community Partnerships
Strong partnerships with businesses, community organizations, and governmental agencies are critical for our work to be successful.  We must strive to improve cooperation and collaboration with our partners.

Integrated Services
Ensure that our services are integrated around prioritized populations, as well as between Divisions. We should look for ways to "wrap" services around individuals and populations so that people are able to access a full suite of services.

Catalytic Entrepreneurial Leadership
H3S will seek creative solutions to problems, leading from the front, rather than reacting. We will act as the convener, catalyst, and broker for innovative methods and partnerships that serve our clients and the community.

Equitable Access
Our work should strive to remove barriers and ensure equitable access to services for populations throughout the county. This may mean working to overcome barriers that derive from income inequities, language or cultural barriers, or the urban/rural divide – in all cases; we must ensure that our services are open and accessible to all.

Meaningful Community Engagement
In our work, we must strive to provide meaningful opportunities for community dialogue. When we work with the community, we must seek to ensure that their insights and comments are taken seriously and that they have a reasonable opportunity to influence decision making within H3S.

Increase Political Capital
The services provided by our staff and our partners are critical to the county. We must ensure that local, state, and federal elected officials are aware of – and recognize – the importance of this work to support individuals and communities.

Responsive Infrastructure
Internal infrastructure, such as IT equipment, policies and procedures, and staff expertise must operate at a high level of responsiveness and excellence.

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