H3S Community Advisory Boards and Commissions

Advisory Boards and Commissions are one way we ensure that the community's voice is heard.

Aging Services Advisory Council (ASAC)

  • Serves as an advisory body to the Director of the Clackamas County Area Agency on Aging and provides input on other areas of importance to the senior population
  • Reviews all requests for Clackamas County Area Agency on Aging Older American's Act funding and makes the findings of the AAA Advisory Council known to the applicant, the County and the State
  • Provides recommendations and evaluations on the Clackamas County Area Plan and seeks the advice of the service recipients, the general public, and service providers on services needed and how to improve existing services
  • Advocate for maintenance and improvement of existing services and for the creation of additional needed services for Clackamas County senior residents

Community Action Board (CAB)

  • Mobilizes human and financial resources at the local, State, and Federal levels to benefit disadvantaged persons and maximize their opportunity for self sufficiency
  • Minimizes the causes and conditions of poverty
  • Advocates for institutional change to reduce the problems of poverty

Community Health Council (CHC)

  • The CHC is the consumer governing board overseeing the County's Federally Qualified Health Center (FQHC).
  • The Council and County work cooperatively in the management and leadership of the Health Center, working to assure a healthy community, primarily through establishing "the most effective health home in Oregon."

Children of Incarcerated Parents Advisory Committee

  • Promotes positive child development, quality child care, parent education and engagement, child abuse prevention and intervention, family stability and academic success for children of incarcerated parents

Clackamas Workforce Partnership

  • Works to develop a highly skilled workforce that creates sustained economic prosperity in Clackamas County

Diversity Leadership Council

  • Advises county government on diversity issues, including hiring a diverse workforce and providing services to diverse populations

Emergency Medical Services Council

  • Advises county government on policies and plans pertaining to ambulance response services in Clackamas County

Developmental Disability Advisory Council

  • Advises on planning, reviewing programs and recommending policy for Developmental Disabilities program areas
  • Assists in the development and review of local quality assurance activities as required in OAR 411-320-0030 (8) (c) 
  • Participates in the selection process of the DD Program Manager
  • Participate in site reviews when feasible and to make recommendation for improvements

Family Violence Coordinating Council (FVCC)

  • A forum for developing, implementing and assessing a coordinated response to domestic violence in Clackamas County
  • Part of a county-wide effort to provide for the safety and well being of victims and accountability of offenders to reduce the incidence of domestic violence

Homeless Policy Council

  • Advises on policies for addressing homelessness in Clackamas County
  • Establishes annual goals for addressing homelessness in Clackamas County and reviewing progress toward meeting those goals

Joint Advocacy Committee

  • The mission of the Health, Housing, and Human Services (H3S) Advocacy Committee is to advocate for populations served by H3S and the State of Oregon DHS/Aging and Persons with Disabilities (DHS/APD), as well as to educate state and federal decision makers about the impact of their decisions on these populations.
  • Participation is welcomed from all members of the Advisory Councils which serve H3S and DHS/APD and members of the Youth Services Provider Network.
  • Participants should have an interest in advocating on state and federal issues and be able to regularly participate in meetings and events. Every effort shall be made so that all Advisory Councils are represented.
  • Meetings take place on the first meeting of every month. For more information, contact Joanne Desky at 503-655-8794.

Mental Health and Addictions Council (MHAC)

  • Serves as an advisory body to the Clackamas County Board of County Commissioners and the Director of the Clackamas County Behavioral Health Division on community needs, gaps in services, barriers and priorities related to providing mental health and addictions services in the County

Prevention Coalition

  • Works to reduce youth drug and alcohol use through creating a network of coalitions throughout Clackamas County
  • Builds awareness of the problem through media campaigns, town halls, sponsoring training for parents and professionals, providing drug free activities for youth, and promoting prevention activities

Public Safety Coordinating Council

  • Advises the Board of County Commissioners on the use of state and local resources to appropriately and effectively address the adult and juvenile offender populations and to coordinate policy among all local criminal justice entities  
  • The intent is to create a continuum of sanctions and services for both juvenile and adult offenders that result in a seamless system that emphasizes the prevention of criminal activity and community safety.

Public Health Advisory Committee (PHAC)

  • Provides the voice of the community to Clackamas County Public Health Division and is a forum for the discussion of population health issues that impact Clackamas County residents. The committee assures a needed link to community input into implementing the Community Health Improvement Plan and in addressing community partnerships

Resident Advisory Council

  • Advises the Housing Authority on policies regarding Housing Authority properties and housing choice vouchers Public Housing residents and housing choice voucher recipients

Veterans Advisory Council (VAC)

  • Advises on all matters relating the provision of services to veterans, their families and dependents
  • Ensures that the needs of veterans, their families and dependents are recognized and addressed in a timely manner
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