Sept. 2013 Election

Results (Final)

Precinct Results (Final)


City of West Linn Municipal Judge

City of West Linn Measure 3-428 Charter amendment requiring all annexations to be approved by voters

City of West Linn Measure 3-429 Charter amendment establishing process for appointing and removing city attorney

City of West Linn Measure 3-430 Charter amendment to fill vacancies at May and November elections

City of West Linn Measure 3-431 Charter amendment to prohibit interference with personnel and public contracts


Voters' Pamphlet


Inportant Election Dates:

July 18 – deadline for cities and districts to file measures or lists of candidates.
July 22 – deadline to file candidate statements or measure arguments for the voters pamphlet.
July 26 – voters pamphlet filings become public record.
August 3 – deadline to mail military/overseas ballots.
August 19 – mailing of out-of-state ballots.
August 30 – mailing of local ballots.
September 17 – ELECTION DAY.


1710 Red Soils Court, Suite 100 Oregon City, OR 97045

Office Hours:

Monday - Friday 
8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Election Day 
7 a.m. to 8 p.m.

Related Events
Clerk, Elections