May 17, 2022 Primary Election

Important Dates

Please review 2022 Local Election Calendar for additional Election Calendar information. 

Sept9First day to file for County positions
Feb25Deadline to file Request for Ballot Title
Mar8Candidate filing deadline
 10Voters Pamphlet deadline for Candidate Statements
 11Deadline for Candidacy Withdrawal
 17Deadline to file Noticed Measure
 21Voters' Pamphlet Measure Argument Deadline and City of Portland Candidate Statements
April2Last Day to mail Military/Overseas ballots
 18Out of State ballots mailed
 26Last Day to register/change party for Primary election
 27Ballots mailed
May3Public Certification Test of our vote tally system 9:00 am
 17Election Day

Candidate Filings

PositionsFiling FormFiling: Fee / PetitionVoters' Pamphlet Statement Filing
County Commissioner, Position 2SEL 101$50 / 500 Signatures$300
Paul Savas   - by feeVP Statement
Libra Forde   - by feeVP Statement
Mark Robert Johnson    - by feeVP Statement
Bill Osburn   - by feeVP Statement
Steve Frost   - by feeVP Statement
County Commissioner, Position 5SEL 101$50 / 500 Signatures$300
Evan Geier   - by feeVP Statement
Ben West   - by feeVP Statement
Dana Hindman-Allen   - by feeVP Statement
Sonya Fischer   - by feeVP Statement
County AssessorSEL 101$50 / 500 Signatures$300
Bronson W Rueda   - by feeVP Statement

County Clerk

Pursuant to ORS 249.091, Catherine McMullen and Sherry Hall are nominated and the contest for County Clerk will not be printed on the Primary Election ballot in May. County Clerk will appear on the General Election ballot in November.

SEL 101$50 / 500 Signatures$300
Catherine McMullen     - by fee 
Sherry Hall   - by fee 

County Treasurer

Pursuant to ORS 249.091, Brian T Nava is nominated and the contest for County Treasurer will not be printed on the Primary Election ballot in May. County Treasurer will appear on the General Election ballot in November.

SEL 101$50 / 500 Signatures$300
Brian T. Nava   - by fee 
Justice of the PeaceSEL 101n/a$300
Karen Brisbin   
Proposed Hoodland Park DirectorSEL 190$10 / 25 Signatures$25

Clackamas County is accepting filings for the proposed Hoodland Park District

The proposed district would have five board positions.  Per ORS 266.320 members will be elected by:

      (a) The candidates receiving the first, second and third highest vote shall be elected to a term expiring June 30 next following the second regular district election (June 30, 2025).

      (b) The candidates receiving the fourth and fifth highest vote shall be elected to a term expiring June 30 next following the first regular district election (June 30, 2023)

Heather Ostrander   - by feeVP Statement
Dannelle Wolfe   - by feeVP Statement
Robb Courtney   - by fee VP Statement
Becky Fortune   - by feeVP Statement
Brittany Kintigh   - by feeVP Statement
Regina Lythgoe   - by feeVP Statement
Bri Dittlinger   - by feeVP Statement

 Filings for May 17, 2022, Primary Election. 

 How to file for an open position and have a name placed on the ballot: FILING PERIOD IS CLOSED

  1. Review: Qualifications
  2. Complete:  Candidate Filing form
  3. Determine Filing Method: Fee OR by Petition (see above)
  4. Submit: Deadline - March 8, 2022, 5:00 pm

How to submit a statement to be included in the County Voters' Pamphlet (OPTIONAL): 

  1. Complete Candidate filing above 
  2. Complete Candidate Statement and optional Endorsement Form
  3. Include fee: cash or check only.  
  4. Submit: Deadline - March 10, 2022, 5:00 pm

Ballot Measure Filings

Ballot Measure Filings

DistrictMeasure #TitleMeasure Argument Fee
City of Tualatin34-309Amends Charter to Modify Mayoral Term Limits in Certain Circumstances$200 Cash/Check only 
City of Oregon City3-579Charter Amendment: Remove Term Limits for Commission Positions$400 Cash/Check only 
City of Oregon City3-580Charter Amendment: Commission Appoints Planning Commission and Historic Review Board$400 Cash/Check only 
Board of County Commissioners3-581Formation of Hoodland Park District under ORS 266$200 Cash/Check only
City of West Linn3-582Bonds to Purchase Oppenlander Property and Make Parks Capital Improvements$350 Cash/Check Only
City of Oregon City3-583Charter Amendment: Eliminates Numbering of Positions on City Commission$400 Cash/Check only 



Measure filing deadline is March 17, 2022 at 5:00 pm.  Filings will be posted upon receipt. Measure numbers are assigned during filing of Notice of Measure Election.      

Measure Arguments may be filed in favor or opposition once Measure # is assigned. 

Measure Argument Filing Information:

  1. Complete Forms - Measure Argument for County Voters' Pamphlet (required) / Statement of Endorsement form (optional)
  2. Deadline - March 21, 2022 at 5:00 pm
  3. Fee - Cash or Check only - NO credit/debit cards.

Measure Arguments can also be filed by petition in lieu of the fee.  Please contact our office for more information

Voters' Pamphlet Filing Information

Candidate Statement  and Measure Arguments Filing Instructions (OPTIONAL)

Candidate Statement Filing Information for Voters' Pamphlet:  Candidates personal statement/photo to be included in the County Voters' Pamphlet 

  1. Complete Candidate filing above 
  2. Complete Candidate Statement and optional Endorsement Form
  3. Include fee: Cash or Check only.  Voters' Pamphlet Statement fees listed by filed positions
  4. Submit: Deadline - 5:00 pm on March 10th for all positions except City of Portland Candidates 

Measure Argument Filing Information for Voters' Pamphlet:  Arguments may be filed in favor or opposition once Measure # is assigned. 

  1. Complete Forms - Measure Argument for County Voters' Pamphlet (required) / Statement of Endorsement form (optional)
  2. Include Fee:  Cash or Check only - NO credit/debit cards
  3. Submit: Deadline - March 21st  at 5:00 pm

Precinct Committeperson Filings and Information

PCP Candidate Filing for the May 2022 Primary Election:

Final PCP Calculations

Candidates should verify their precinct before filing.  This may be done by:

  1.  Online Map 

  2.  Contacting our office directly – Be prepared to provide name and residence address

Filing for Precinct Committeeperson by is CLOSED.  See link below for a full list of filed candidates.

Write-in's will only be counted for individuals that notify the County Elections office.  This may be done by:

  1.   Declaration of Intent:  Deadline 8:00 pm on May, 17 2022 

  2.  Nomination:  Deadline 8:00 pm on May, 17 2022 

Paper Filings may be submitted by:

Incomplete filings cannot be accepted.  The County Elections office cannot fill in or change precinct numbers on forms.  


1710 Red Soils Court, Suite 100 Oregon City, OR 97045

Office Hours:

Monday - Friday 
8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Election Day 
7 a.m. to 8 p.m.

Related Events
Clerk, Elections