The residence address on your voter registration determines which elected officials represent you. Some are the same for the entire county. Please see below for full information on local, state, and federal elected officials.
Which precinct am I registered in?
Find out who represents you in the State Senate, State House of Representatives, and U.S. Congress.
Local Elected Officials
All of the Elected County Officials below represent the entire county, regardless of your address. Metro districts are based on your address. Find your Metro District here.
County Commissioners
Craig Roberts, County Commissioner - Chair
Address: 2051 Kaen Road, 4th Floor, Oregon City OR 97045
Phone: 503-655-8581 | Fax: 503-742-5919 |
Paul Savas, County Commissioner, Position 2
Address: 2051 Kaen Road, 4th Floor, Oregon City OR 97045
Phone: 503-655-8581 | Fax: 503-742-5919 | bcc@clackamas.u
Martha Schrader, County Commissioner, Position 3
Address: 2051 Kaen Road, 4th Floor, Oregon City OR 97045
Phone: 503-655-8581 | Fax: 503-742-5919 | bcc@clackamas.u
Melissa Fireside, County Commissioner, Position 4
Address: 2051 Kaen Road, 4th Floor, Oregon City OR 97045
Phone: 503-655-8581 | Fax: 503-742-5919 | bcc@clackamas.u
Ben West, County Commissioner, Position 5
Address: 2051 Kaen Road, 4th Floor, Oregon City OR 97045
Phone: 503-655-8581 | Fax: 503-742-5919 | bcc@clackamas.u
County Assessor / Tax Collector
Bronson Rueda
Address: 150 Beavercreek Road, Oregon City, OR 97045
Phone: 503-655-8671| Fax: 503-655-8313 |
County Clerk
Catherine McMullen
1710 Red Soils Court, Suite 100, Oregon City, OR 97045
Phone: 503-655-8510 | Fax: 503-650-5687 |
District Attorney
John Wentworth
Address: 807 Main St., Courthouse Room 7, Oregon City, OR 97045
Phone: 503-655-8431 | Fax: 503-650-8943 |
Justice of the Peace
Karen Brisbin
Address: 11750 SE 82nd Ave, Suite D, Happy Valley 97086
Phone: 503-794-3800 | Fax: 503-794-3808 |
County Sheriff
Angela Brandenburg
Address: 2223 Kaen Road, Oregon City OR 97045
Emergency Number: 9-1-1 | Non-emergency Number to Report a Crime: 503-655-8211
Business Phone: 503-785-5000 | Fax: 503-785-5190 | More contacts
County Treasurer
Brian Nava
Address: 2051 Kaen Road, 4th Floor Oregon City OR 97045
Phone: 503-742-5995 | Fax: 503-742-5996 |
Metro (representing Clackamas County)
Lynn Peterson, President of Council
Address: 600 NE Grand Ave, Portland, OR 97232
Phone: 503-797-1889 | Fax: 503-797-1793 |
Brian Evans, Auditor
Address: 600 NE Grand Ave, Portland, OR 97232
Phone: 503-797-1891 | Fax: 503-797-1831 |
Ashton Simpson, Councilor, District 1
Address: 600 NE Grand Ave, Portland, OR 97232
Phone: 503-797-1547 | Fax: 503-797-1793 |
Christine Lewis, Councilor, District 2
Address: 600 NE Grand Ave, Portland, OR 97232
Phone: 503-797-1887 | Fax: 503-797-1793 |
Gerritt Rosenthal, Councilor, District 3
Address: 600 NE Grand Ave, Portland, OR 97232
Phone: 503-797-1549 | Fax: 503-797-1793 |
State Elected Officials
The Elected officials below represent the entire state. State Senators and Representatives are elected by district. Find out which districts your registration address is in here.
Governor | Tina Kotek – Democrat |
Secretary of State | Tobias Read - Democrat |
State Treasurer | Elizabeth Steiner – Democrat |
Attorney General | Dan Rayfield – Democrat |
Commissioner of Labor & Industries | Christina Stephenson – Democrat |
Federal Elected Officials
The Federal Elected Officials below represent the entire state. US Congress Districts are based on your registration address. Find out which district you are in here.
Donald Trump, President - Republican
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Ave. NW, Washington DC 20500
1-202-456-1111 (comments)
1-202-456-1414 (information)
JD Vance, Vice President - Republican
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Ave. NW, Washington DC 20500
1-202-456-1111 (comments)
1-202-456-1414 (information)
Oregon's United State Senators
Ron Wyden – Democrat
Washington DC Address:
221 Dirksen Senate Office Building, Washington DC 20510
Local contact information:
911 NE 11th Ave., Ste. 630, Portland OR 97232
Jeff Merkley – Democrat
Washington DC Address:
313 Hart Senate Office Building, Washington DC 20510
Local contact information:
121 SW Salmon St., Ste. 1400, Portland, OR 97204