NCRA Critical Repair Grants for Manufactured Homes in Parks and Mobile Homes

I. Scope and Purpose

  1. A Critical Repair Grant may be available to repair critical safety or access deficiencies of an owner-occupied manufactured home in a manufactured home park and manufactured homes or mobile homes where the homeowner does not have title to the lot where the home is located. Critical repairs are repairs that correct defective conditions which, if left uncorrected, would endanger the health, safety, or welfare of the occupants.
  2. Only manufactured home or mobile home owners that do not have title to the property on which the dwelling is located are eligible.

II. Basic Criteria for the Critical Repair Grant

To obtain a Critical Repair Grant, a person must submit an application and meet each of the following basic criteria:

  1. The applicant must be a US citizen, a US non-citizen national or a qualified alien.
  2. The property must be located within the North Clackamas Revitalization Area (NCRA), and must require repairs for the health, safety, or welfare of a resident.
  3. The manufactured home or mobile home must be suitable for rehabilitation and the proposed repairs must be feasible.
  4. The applicant must reside on the property. If the applicant cannot reside in the unit until the modifications are complete, the applicant must provide proof that he or she will move into the property within 30 days of completion of the County-funded work.
  5. The property owner must agree to any proposed work subject to conditions under the property lease agreement and agree to leave the improvement(s) in place and maintain them for the benefit of the applicant.

III. Eligible Dwellings

  1. Manufactured homes in manufactured home parks, and mobile homes and manufactured homes located on property to which the homeowner does not have title are eligible.
  2. Recreational vehicles are not eligible.

IV. Income Limits

  1. A. To qualify for a Critical Repair Grant, the beneficiary's total household annual gross family income projected for the next 12 months must be at or below 100 percent of the current area median family income as determined by HUD.

V. Critical Repair Grant Amount

  1. Maximum Grant Amount. The maximum amount of a Critical Repair Grant may not exceed the lower of:
    1. The actual cost of rehabilitation, or $5,000.

VI. Examples of Critical Repairs

  1. Access deficiencies such as substandard exterior doors or windows.
  2. Hazardous porch or stairs.
  3. Critical accessibility needs such as wheelchair ramps, handrails and widened doorways
  4. Other repairs and accessibility improvements as may be approved by the Agency.
  5. Structural damage or deficiencies.**
  6. Leaking roof.**
  7. Dangerous wiring and/or faulty electrical circuitry.**
  8. Faulty plumbing connections.**
    **Note: Electrical, plumbing and structural repairs may not be feasible within the parameters of the grant, particularly if standardized parts or conventional repair methods are not available.

VII. Critical Repair Grant Process

  1. Application
    The applicant contacts the Community Development Division to apply for a Critical Repair Grant. If any of the proposed repairs are subject to conditions of approval under the property lease agreement, the property owner must agree to the proposed modifications and must sign the grant agreement.
  2. Preliminary Eligibility
    The applicant must provide the County with the necessary information to determine eligibility. The application contains a release of information. Once eligibility has been determined, the applicant will be informed in writing of the maximum grant amount available.
  3. Initial Inspection
    A County Rehab Advisor will contact the applicant to arrange for an initial property inspection. The Rehab Advisor will discuss the program and conduct an inspection of the property to assess needed modifications and repairs.
  4. Work list Conference
    The Rehab Advisor will prepare the specifications and bid packets for the work and send it to the property owner for review and approval. The bid packet contains a consent form that must be signed by the property owner.
  5. Selection of Contractors to Bid
    The property owner is asked to choose at least three contractors to bid on the job. A list of contractors is available for the owner to use. Clackamas County does not recommend or endorse any contractor. The contractors on the list have expressed an interest in working with this program.
  6. Bid Conference
    The Rehab Advisor may meet with the applicant, the property owner, if necessary, and potential bidders to discuss the proposed work and review the bidding procedure.
  7. Owner Contractor Selection
    The applicant must study each bid for completeness, accuracy and cost. The applicant then selects the contractor that he/she considers will perform the best quality of work for the stated price. The selected bid must be within 10 percent of the Rehab Advisor's estimate.
  8. Grant Approval
    After satisfactory bids are received and all financial data has been verified, the Rehab Advisor submits the grant packet for final approval.
  9. Preconstruction Conference
    The Rehab Advisor meets with the applicant, the property owner, if necessary, and the contractor to finalize all construction details.
  10. Construction Contract
    The Rehab Advisor prepares the construction contract. The construction contract is between the applicant or property owner and the contractor. Work may begin only after the construction contract is signed.
  11. Changes to the Construction Contract
    All changes to the specifications must be in writing and pre-approved by the applicant or owner, contractor, Rehab Advisor and CCDA staff.
  12. Construction Monitoring
    During construction the applicant and the Rehab Advisor will monitor the work on a regular basis.
  13. Payments
    Progress payments will be made after the applicant and Rehab Advisor have inspected and approved the work. Checks will be made payable to the applicant and the contractor.
  14. Final Inspection
    The applicant and the Rehab Advisor will conduct a final inspection to verify that all of the work is completed according to the contract. The contractor will give the applicant inspection certificates, lien waivers and warranties. Warranties must be good for one year.

2024 Critical Repair Grant Annual Income Limits

Household size100% MFI
1 person$82,600
2 persons$94,400
3 persons$106,200
4 persons$118,000
5 persons$127,500
6 persons$136,900
7 persons$146,400
8 persons$155,800


150 Beavercreek Road Room #325 Oregon City, OR 97045

Office Hours:

Monday to Thursday
8 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Available by phone/email
8 a.m. to 3 p.m.

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Board of County Commissioners, North Clackamas Parks and Recreation, Development Agency, Housing Authority