Need Help With Housing?
Are you or someone you know in a housing crisis? Call 503-655-8575 or visit Coordinated Housing Access (CHA).
Many agencies in Clackamas County which offer housing and services to people who are homeless participate in the Homeless Management Information System (HMIS). The HMIS is designed to collect data on the housing and services provided to clients. The system is only accessible to employees of contracted agencies, and the county works to protect the privacy of clients. This Tri-county HMIS is administered by the Multnomah County Department of County Assets on behalf of Clackamas, Multnomah, and Washington County. The software product used in Clackamas County is Community Services Software (CSS) by Wellsky.
All questions about HMIS should be directed to
Visit Continuum of Care for information and reports about homelessness in Clackamas County.
Links for registered users
Documents and Forms
- CSS HCDD HMIS Administrative Agreement
- CSS HCDD HMIS Agency Participation Agreement
- CSS HCDD HMIS End Users Agreement (EULA)
- CSS HMIS Privacy Notice
- CSS HMIS Privacy Poster
HMIS User Work Instructions
- 6-Month Follow Up Entries
- Accessing and Utilizing ESG CAPER and COC APR Reports
- Accessing BusinessObjects & Running Reports
- Case Managers and Case Plans Tab
- Client Files: Finding and Creating
- Creating a New Household
- Entry Assessment Tips
- HUD Verification Tables
- Incoming CHA Housing Referrals
- MovingOn Assistance for CoC-Funded PSH
- Program Entries and Exits
- Program Performance Reports
- Removing Members from an Existing Household
- ROI Tab
- Service Transactions
- Service Transactions for Housing Related Coordinated Entry