The Clackamas County Board of Commissioners make appointments to more than 40 Boards and Commissions, each representing an area that affects our community. These range from public health to economic development, the environment, public safety and many more.
Members of Clackamas County Boards and Commissions are vital participants in county decision-making and have the opportunity to lend their perspective on important governmental policies. These volunteers are critical to the ongoing success of Clackamas County.
The county is committed to ensuring that all Boards and Commissions represent the growing age, racial and gender diversity of the county. We recognize the importance of pooling our collective viewpoints, visions and hopes for our county — and all residents are welcome and encouraged to serve.
Open Recruitments
Advisory Boards and Commissions (ABC) Support Materials
Advisory members demonstrate high ethical standards and create a respectful space to exchange dialog by adhering to the Clackamas County Advisory Member Code of Conduct.
- Advisory Member Guide for Public Officials
- Advisory Member Restrictions on Public Advocacy for Public Employees
- Advisory Member Mandatory Child Abuse Reporting Training
ABC Directory
With over 40 advisory boards and commissions, there is something of interest for everyone. We value our community's perspectives and invite everyone to browse our ABC Directory and get involved today.
The Aging Services Advisory Council advises the Clackamas County Area Agency on Aging for all matters relating to the development and administration of the Area Plan and advises the Area Agency on Aging on plan operations; reviews all requests for funding, seeks client feedback of services funded under the Area Plan and seeks the opinions and advice from the general public on services needed and how to improve existing services; and to be a catalyst in the improvement and maintenance of existing service and in the generation of needed services for Clackamas County seniors.
The Clackamas County Audit Committee was formed in 2008, consistent with best practices recommended by the Government Finance Officers Association. The Committee meets several times a year, with the independent auditors, to assist in planning and reviewing results of the audits; as well as recommending a course of action to staff and/or the Board of County Commissioners. The Committee also provides review and independent oversight of the County's financial reporting processes, internal controls, and independent auditors.
To review and approve the County's annual budget.
To recommend fiscal year and supplemental budgets to the Board of County Commissioners.
To serve the residents within the Oak Lodge Library and Gladstone Library Service Areas of the Clackamas County Library District, which was established by the approval of Measure 3-310, by providing community recommendations to the Board of County Commissioners in matters concerning library services, policies, and library-related issues in general.
To advise the Board of County Commissioners on the administration and implementation of the Workforce Innovation & Opportunity Act programs and initiatives within Clackamas County. The Act funds adult, youth and dislocated worker training programs.
The Committee for Community Involvement (CCI) is a process oriented committee which advises and assists the Board of County Commissioners with the development, implementation and evaluation of a program, resources and opportunities that promote and enhance community involvement in land use planning and the decision making process.
The Community Action Board advises the Clackamas County Social Services Division Community Action Agency programs on services for people with low incomes. Members are appointed by the Board of County Commissioners. The group advocates both locally and at the state level on issues related to people in low income households.
To develop policy, advocate for, and govern the operation of the Federally Qualified Health Center programs of the Clackamas Health Centers Division. The board focuses on the promotion of health for individuals, the community, and at-risk populations such as Migrant and Seasonal Farm Workers.
Advising the Board of County Commissioners on the county's homelessness response strategies with input from staff, the Housing Services Advisory Group, and other stakeholders.
The Community Road Fund Advisory Committee works with transportation staff to develop criteria to analyze potential capital congestion relief projects to be funded through the Community Road Fund; applies that criteria to high priority congestion relief projects in the County's Transportation System Plan (TSP) and to any additional top priority congestion relief projects that result from community feedback; recommends the order in which capital projects should be constructed; provides recommendations on the order in which local road paving and safety projects should be constructed, and reviews the project list annually and reports progress to the Board of Commissioners.
Compensation Board for Elected Officials
To advise land use planning staff, when requested by the Planning Director, on design decisions for new industrial, commercial, institutional, and multifamily development.
To review, conduct hearings and recommend a proposed fiscal year budget.
To advise the Social Services Division Director and Developmental Disabilities Program Manager in planning and reviewing programs and recommending policy for Developmental Disabilities program areas. To recommend program goals and objectives to the Division Director, Program Manager and the Board of County Commissioners.
To advise the Board of County Commissioners and the Public Health Division on matters relating to the ambulance service plan and pre-hospital emergency medical services.
- Advise the Disaster Management Department and Clackamas County Board of County Commissioners in the development of activities, strategies and priorities to achieve disaster preparedness within the boundaries of Clackamas County.
- Promote disaster management initiatives and activities. Participate in community education and engagement.
- Advocate for policy and system changes that improve the disaster preparedness in Clackamas County. Optional activities could include providing oral or written testimony, helping to identify partners of support for preparedness, and participating in legislative activities.
- Strengthen intergovernmental collaboration and enhance collaboration between governments and partners on an ongoing basis.
- Develop strategies to enhance collaboration among governmental bodies and the general public.
Enhanced Law Enforcement District Budget Committee
To increase the level of the sheriff's patrols to meet the increased demands of urban Clackamas County; to serve approximately 85,000 residents in the unincorporated areas of Clackamas County within the Urban Growth Boundary, as well as in the cities of Johnson City and Damascus.
To increase the level of the sheriff's patrols to meet the increased demands of urban Clackamas County; to serve approximately 85,000 residents in the unincorporated areas of Clackamas County within the Urban Growth Boundary, as well as in the cities of Johnson City and Damascus.
The County Fair Board is responsible for overseeing the management of the fairgrounds, annual county fair and interim events.
This board actively participates in providing technical guidance to the Forest Management program staff in forest management and harvest activities, timber land sales and purchases, and stand improvement activities, along with review of public input related to proposed activities.
To advise the County on protection of historic buildings, sites and corridors; to review applications for alterations, demolition, conditional use and zoning of potential historic properties/landmarks for compliance with the criteria listed in the Zoning and Development Ordinance; to review applications for new construction within a historic district or corridor or on a property where a historic landmark is located. The board forwards all recommendations to the Board of County Commissioners for decisions on designations and advises the Board of County Commissioners on protection of historic buildings, sites and corridors.
The HFACC board is authorized to review and decide, among other duties, the appropriateness of issuing revenue bonds as a conduit financing for construction and expansion of hospital facilities and other health services and elderly care facilities.
Advises the Board of County Commissioners on a range of topics related to supporting affordable housing in Clackamas County.
The Leaders for Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Council is to act as a liaison to the Board of County Commissioners on matters including sounding board on the impact of policies and practices to diverse residents, develop leadership from diverse communities to increase participation in County functions, establish a list of diverse residents for committee vacancies, make available access to information and to help service providers on outreach efforts to diverse residents.
According to the Library District and Library City Intergovernmental Agreement, the Library District Board shall organize and appoint a Library District Advisory committee consisting of one nominee from each Library City. The Library District Board shall appoint the individual nominated by the Library City governing body to fill the service area's representative seat. The Library District Advisory committee shall be responsible for meeting at least annually to consider: (i) the evaluation reports of participating libraries as submitted, (ii) any proposed changes to this Agreement pursuant to the amendment process, and (iii) any impact of the annexation or withdrawal of territory from the District.
The purpose of the Library District of Clackamas County Budget Committee is to receive the budget message and budget document, provide the opportunity for and hear public comment, and approve the budget for the Library District of Clackamas County.
To develop plans for state and local dollars for adult and juvenile offenders. Plans are recommended to the Board of County Commissioners for approval.
To advise the Board of County Commissioners and the Behavioral Health Division Director on community needs, gaps in services, barriers and priorities related to providing mental health and addictions services in the County.
To advise the County Commissioners on the design, planning, development and operation of parks in the district area; meets with the Board of County Commissioners twice yearly and publishes an annual report presented in August.
To make recommendations to the Board of County Commissioners regarding the North Clackamas Parks and Recreation District's budget. Reviews the North Clackamas Parks and Recreation's budget for park-related programs and locations.
To be the primary policy advisor regarding the activities and operations of the Milwaukie Community Center and the needs of older adults and people with disabilities in the North Clackamas area.
To review all 4-H Service District Budget requests and make recommendation to the Board of County Commissioners.
To advise the Board of County Commissioners on all matters pertaining to County Park policy, management, development, acquisition and disposition of park property.
To review and advise on applicable portions of the County's Comprehensive Plan, Capital Improvement Plan and other forums to provide for the development of a coordinated system of adequate, safe and convenient walkways and bikeways throughout Clackamas County.
The Planning Commission is appointed by the Board for the purposes of reviewing and advising the Board on matters pertaining to land use.
To hear petitions for reduction of the real market or assessed value of property and to hear petitions for late filing of real or personal property returns.
The PHAC provides a sounding board and a community voice in the review and revision of public health programs, strategies and goals. The PHAC assures a needed link to community input for the implementation of the Community Health Improvement Plan and in assuring alignment with standards addressing community partnerships. The PHAC also convenes as an ethics committee for the Clackamas County Public Health Division.
To review the County's overall solid waste management plan for unincorporated areas and garbage collection rates.
To review all timber sales proposed by the Forest Program, receives public input concerning the sales and makes recommendations to the Board of County Commissioners.
To oversee and promote tourism for Clackamas County; to develop, adopt and implement subject to the Board of County Commission's approval, a Tourism Development and Promotion Master Plan, which addresses tourism promotion, tourism development, conventions, visitor information services, special events and festivals.
To promote traffic safety county wide and help develop, review and recommend policies, programs and projects addressing traffic safety. Examples include conducting DUII education at local area schools, supporting a Safe Communities program, reviewing and recommending projects and priorities of safety improvements and other safety expenditures as well as participation in area safety fairs to promote traffic safety.
To control mosquitos and flies within the district boundaries.
The Clackamas County Veterans Advisory Council advises the Clackamas County Board of Commissioners and the Department of Health, Housing and Human Services on all matters relating to the provision of services to veterans, their families and dependents, ensuring that the needs of veterans, their families and dependents are recognized and addressed in a timely manner. Veterans Advisory Council also makes recommendations regarding current issues affecting veterans, their families and dependents.
WES produces clean water, protects water quality and recovers renewable resources. We do this by providing wastewater services, storm water management, and environmental education. It's our job to protect public health and support the vitality of our communities, natural environment, and economy.
WES serves the cities of Gladstone, Happy Valley, Johnson City, Milwaukie, Oregon City, West Linn, and the communities of unincorporated Clackamas County.