Request for Noise Ordinance Variance

The Code Enforcement Division must have no less than ten (10) days before the first date of your event, in order to process and respond to your variance request application.

You must check with the Planning Department and OLCC before your event takes place.

Clackamas County Planning Dept.: 503-742-4500 or 503 742-4501             OLCC: 503-872-5218


  • Current Qualify
  • Event Information
  • Complete
Indicates required field
Are you a construction company applying for a noise variance?
Are you an organized athletic, religious, educational, civic, or racing activity on property generally used for such purposes?
Is the event is in a stadium, park, school, church, athletic field, race track, airports or waterway generally used for such purposes, between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 11:00 p.m.?
Have you been approved for a noise variance in the past or is there a benefit to the community for your noise event?

The sounds anticipated are not those which fall within exceptions to Clackamas County Noise Ordinance in section 6.0.050 and is not a significant benefit to the public’s welfare, therefore a permit would not be approved.

No permit is needed.