Prevention and Positive Youth Development

Components of successful Positive Youth Development programming includes:

  • Physical and emotional safety
  • Social and emotional well being
  • Supportive relationships (with positive adult role models and with peers)
  • Opportunities for meaningful participation that lifts up youth voice
  • Opportunities for community engagement
  • Challenging and engaging learning experiences and skill development

Youth-focused prevention programs funded by the Children, Family and Community Connections Division are designed to integrate these basic components into services in order to promote school success and positive life outcomes.


The Clackamas County Prevention Coalition (CCPC) is a collaboration of partners representing county government, schools, youth serving organizations, law enforcement agencies, civic and volunteer groups, health-care professionals, and other stakeholders in the community who are interested in promoting healthy, safe communities and positive youth development, with a focus on reducing underage drug and alcohol use and associated harms. We do this by raising awareness, enhancing skills, providing support, altering physical environments to reduce risky behaviors, and modifying or creating policies and strive to center youth voice and equity in these activities.

We also work with partners to promote the principles of Restorative Justice and advance an alternative approach to disciplinary action for student substance use. We host in-person and online trainings for school staff and community partners to build a better understanding of these principles and set the stage for change. A Restorative Justice approach can reduce suspensions and racial disparities in discipline while simultaneously raising student achievement levels.

CCPC meets the third Wednesday of every month from 3 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. via Zoom. Diverse perspectives are welcome and anyone interested is encouraged to attend and join.

Contact Brian McCrady at or 503-348-4261 or Elizabeth White at or 503-402-4087 for more information.

The CCPC supports local community coalitions throughout Clackamas County and convenes countywide prevention enthusiasts for ongoing project partnerships.


Positive Community Norms is an evidence-based strategy that raises awareness and reduces underage drinking and drug use by reinforcing positive parenting practices and changing misperceptions about youth use. Most people think the majority of teenagers drink alcohol and/or use drugs, but the true norm is most teens are making healthy choices. Building awareness about Positive Community Norms is way for people to learn and understand the "real" norm – changing a youth's decision to start in the first place. To be a part of the majority group, youth will choose not to use drugs and/or alcohol.

In the classroom setting, we provide a lesson on Positive Community Norms followed by a poster assignment, demonstrating the student's new understanding.

For more information Contact Brian McCrady at or 503-348-4261.

Drugs and alcohol poster
Drugs and alcohol poster
Drugs and alcohol poster
Drugs and alcohol poster
Drugs and alcohol poster
Drugs and alcohol poster

PreventNet Community Schools is a school-based service system designed to improve outcomes for children, youth and their families by creating a web of support among schools, non-profit agencies, community members, local businesses and local government. Prevention and early intervention services in local schools include addressing poor academic performance, truancy, family management problems, alcohol and other drug use, poverty/homelessness, and negative peer association. Each of these sites is the result of collaboration and partnership between Clackamas County, the school, and a local non-profit organization that delivers the services and houses Program Site Coordinators.

PreventNet is funded through grants awarded to the Children, Family and Community Connections, by the Oregon Department of Education, Youth Development Division.

Todos Juntos and Northwest Family Services operate services throughout Clackamas County.

Northwest Family Services
GladstoneKraxberger Middle School
MilwaukieAlder Creek Middle School
Rowe Middle School
New Urban High School
Oregon CityGardiner Middle School
Brian McCrady
Todos Juntos
CanbyBaker Prairie Middle School
EstacadaEstacada Middle School
MolallaMolalla River Middle School
SandyCedar Ridge Middle School
Elizabeth White 

Secure Your Cannabis

Most Oregon and Clackamas County teens are not using cannabis, yet 47% of Clackamas County eleventh graders in 2020 said cannabis was easy to get. To protect young minds you can start talking with youth about underage cannabis use and keep cannabis secure. 

Securing your cannabis keeps small children and teens safe from misuse or accidental ingestion. To obtain a secure locking container for cannabis or other drugs contact Brian McCradyat  or 503-348-4261.


Consulting the county and local organizations on elevating youth voice, combatting adultism, and implementing equitable youth services. The Youth Action Board helps youth connect with resources regarding homelessness, mental health, and related issues.



112 11th Street Oregon City, OR 97045

Office Hours:

Monday to Thursday
8 a.m. to 5 p.m.