Local Public Safety Coordinating Council (LPSCC)

LPSCC's intent is to create a continuum of sanctions and services for both juvenile and adult offenders that result in a seamless system that emphasizes the prevention of criminal activity and community safety.

Required membership on LPSCC includes the County Sheriff, County District Attorney, a State Court Judge, a Public Defender, Director of Community Corrections, a County Commissioner, Director of the local Juvenile Department, County Public Health Director, representatives of Oregon State Police, Oregon Youth Authority, City Government, as well as lay citizens.

LPSCC typically meets on a quarterly basis on the third Monday of the month from 12 p.m. to 1:30 p.m. 

Contact Elizabeth White at ewhite@clackamas.us at 503-502-4087 for more information.


Chair, Malcolm McDonaldDirector, CC Community Corrections
Eric BarerraClackamas Supervisor, Oregon Youth Authority
Emily BraultLay Citizen 
Sheriff Angela BrandenburgSheriff, Clackamas County Sheriff's Office
Rod CookDirector, CC Health, Housing & Human Services
Melissa ErlbaumED, Clackamas Women's Services (Victim Services Rep)
Adam FreerDirector, CC Children, Family & Community Connections Division
Judge Ann LiningerCircuit Court Judge, Clackamas County Circuit Court
Christina McMahanDirector, CC Juvenile Department
Mary RumbaughDirector, CC Behavioral Health Division 
Chief Luke StraitChief of Police, Milwaukie Police Department
Bruce TarboxDefense Attorney, Clackamas Indigent Defense Corp.
John WentworthDistrict Attorney
Commissioner Ben WestClackamas County Commissioner
(Staff) Elizabeth WhiteCC Children, Family & Community Connections Division

Children of Incarcerated Parents Workgroup (CIP)

There is increasing evidence at both state and national levels that the current system for addressing the issues facing children whose parents are incarcerated is failing to meet their needs. The CIP Workgroup was created as an official subcommittee of the Local Public Safety Coordinating Council to continue developing the system in order to more efficiently and effectively meet the needs of these vulnerable children and their families and to identify ways to fund Parenting Inside Out classes in Clackamas County on a long-term basis.

For additional information contact Sarah VanDyk at svandyke@clackamas.us at 503-650-5680.


112 11th Street Oregon City, OR 97045

Office Hours:

Monday to Thursday
8 a.m. to 5 p.m.