Employment and Training

Children, Family & Community Connections (CFCC), has a long-standing reputation for delivering quality employment and training programs. We offer customized employment services for low-income Clackamas County residents. Our services increase skills, confidence, wage potential and create long-term employment opportunities. Long-term career path employment opportunities benefit both the program participant and local area businesses.

Employment Training Center

Located at 108 11th St. in downtown Oregon City, CFCC operates a job search and training center by appointment. The Center is located conveniently next door to the TriMet Transit Center with easy access to I-205 and Hwy 99. Services are also available virtually and community locations throughout Clackamas County.


STEP (SNAP Training & Employment Program)

Prioritizes services for individuals experiencing housing instability, formerly incarcerated persons, persons with substance use disorders and persons in long-term recovery. Services include individual career counseling, resume preparation, customized job placement and work skills training.  Eligibility:  SNAP recipient, age 18+, eligible to work in the US, resident of Clackamas County.

For more information contact Doug Vanzant at DVanzant@clackamas.us, 503-341-1494.

CFCC's STEP Employment program is funded in part by the USDA through a contract with the Oregon Dept of Human Services, Self-Sufficiency Programs for recipients of food stamps (SNAP). Read the full non-discrimination and funding statements.

Veterans Employment

Our Veteran employment program provides intensive, one-on-one workforce services to Clackamas County veterans from all military eras. Services include co-case management with other veteran specific service providers including housing, social services, vocational rehabilitation. We coordinate wrap-around services with veteran specific organizations such as Tools for Troops, Fort Kennedy, local VFWs and more. Services are available for those veterans living with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and/or Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI).

Eligibility:  Prior military service, resident of Clackamas County.

For more information, contact Ken Bietschek at KenBie@clackamas.us, 503-502-3411or Aubrie Balkwill at ABalkwill@clackamas.us, 971-275-4367.

Employment Investment Program

CFCC's Employment Investment Program (EIP) is designed for individuals who want to work and may not qualify for other programs.  We provide individual, person-centered services to assist in accessing employment opportunities.  The program includes pre- and post-employment related supports and employment related training.  Referral partners include Housing Authority of Clackamas County, Clackamas Women's Services, Clackamas County Urgent Mental Health Center, Social Services, Community Court, Vocational Rehabilitation and more. Services can be provided virtually or in person as desired by the participant. Eligibility:  Age 18+, eligible to work in the US, resident of Clackamas County.

For more information contact CFCC at workforce@clackamas.us, 503-655-8840

TANF JOBS (Temporary Assistance for Needy Families-Job Opportunities and Basic Skills)

CFCC provides services to JOBS eligible families with children receiving assistance from the Oregon Department of Human Services-Self Sufficiency Programs.  Eligibility:  TANF recipient, age 18+, eligible to work in the US, resident of Clackamas County, referral from Oregon Dept. of Human Services (ODHS).

For more information contact CFCC at workforce@clackamas.us, 503-655-8840 or your Family Coach at ODHS.

Second Chance Clackamas

CFCC's Second Chance Clackamas program provides employment and training services to adults in custody in the Clackamas County Jail and other court mandated residential programs.  Services are provided for a year post-release and designed to reduce recidivism. 

For more information contact CFCC at workforce@clackamas.us, 503-655-8840.

Download a program flyer

CFCC's STEP Employment program is funded in part by the USDA through a contract with the Oregon Dept of Human Services, Self-Sufficiency Programs for recipients of food stamps (SNAP). Read the full non-discrimination and funding statements.

Contact Us
Department Staff
Jennifer Harvey
Program Manager


112 11th Street Oregon City, OR 97045

Office Hours:

Monday to Thursday
8 a.m. to 5 p.m.