Neighborhood Watch

& Crime-Prevention Resources

Start a Neighborhood Watch

Neighborhood Watch sign

Contact Officer Sara McClurg of our Crime Prevention Unit at 503-785-5077 or by email to learn more about upcoming Neighborhood Watch training sessions.

Report a Crime

Do you want to report a crime? Do you suspect someone of a crime? Please take a few moments to report this to the Sheriff's Office by filling out our online Tip Sheet. You may provide your name and contact number or make your report anonymously. You can also call our Tip Line at 503-723-4949.

Enroll in the Exclusion Program

The Clackamas County Sheriff’s Office offers any property owner, property manager, or any other person in control of a property to enroll in the Exclusion Program. 

The Exclusion Program allows sworn deputies to issue a "Notice of Exclusion" to people who enter a property without authorization,  cause substantial inconvenience, or threaten the safety of authorized users of a location. 

Notices of Exclusion are in place for one year at the time of the exclusion. People who return to a location within 365 days after being excluded may be charged with Criminal Trespass.