Blueprint for a Healthy Clackamas County 2017-2020 (Updated Community Health Improvement Plan)

The Community Health Improvement Plan/Blueprint for a Healthy Clackamas County is our plan for giving everyone the chance to live a healthier life.

The Blueprint plan reflects 17 months of work by our Public Health Division, residents, community organizations, and county leadership.

Beginning in September 2017, three sub-committees worked to develop recommended goals, objectives and strategies that address the priorities found in the Blueprint plan. The sub-committees made up of representatives from community organizations and private individuals, were referred to as: Access to Health Care and Human Services, Culture of Health and Healthy Behaviors.

In April of 2018, these recommendations were presented to the Public Health Advisory Committee (PHAC) for review and consideration.

On June 14, 2018 the Clackamas County Board of County Commissioners acting as the Clackamas Board of Health voted unanimously to approve the Blueprint recommendations thus approving the County’s Community Health Improvement Plan (CHIP)/Blueprint for a Healthy Clackamas County for 2017 – 2020.

To keep the community up to date on the implementation of the Blueprint Plan, we will host and maintain a centralized interactive public platform, which will allow us to share data, funding and feedback opportunities and implementation progress.

If you would like to learn more or have questions about the Blueprint for a Healthy Clackamas County process, email Susan Berns-Norman at


2051 Kaen Road, Suite 367, Oregon City, OR 97045

Office Hours:

Monday to Thursday
7 a.m. to 6 p.m.

Report a public health emergency or communicable disease 24 hours a day, seven days a week, at 503-655-8411.

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