As many of you know the Child Abuse and Family Violence Summit was not able to proceed with the conference in 2020 and again this year due to the pandemic. The Summit is a very intensive undertaking, and recently significant concerns have been identified with rising costs against our limited resources.
It is with these considerations that I announce the Child Abuse and Family Violence Summit will no longer be a program of the Clackamas County Sheriff’s Office.
This decision was not arrived at easily, and efforts towards preserving the Summit were discussed at length, but unfortunately to no avail.
I recognize the impact the Summit has had on the men and women of law enforcement, as well as prosecutors, physicians, social workers, protective services professionals, and many others. We have learned invaluable lessons and forged new partnerships. The Summit will be missed, but its impact and legacy will live on in the many thousands of professionals who had the privilege to attend, present, and volunteer over these last two decades.
I want to thank all of you who contributed to the Summit. Your many years of hard work and dedication made the Summit an incredible learning experience for the thousands of professionals that have attended. While the Summit is over, the Clackamas County Sheriff’s Office remains dedicated to our many partners in the region and we look forward to being a resource in not only developing future training opportunities in this field, but also through the collaborative work being done at our Family Justice Center, A Safe Place.
Angela Brandenburg
Clackamas County Sheriff